Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Prayer Power

Thank you Lord for Your perfect timing. I was reminded you really are in control. Waiting really can be hard, but I’m encouraged you have what’s best for ME in mind. I thank you for that.
After realizing you do everything in your timing and for your Glory, I’m actually finding it harder to pray. I always pray for the outcome I want…not what you have planned. One of my key phrases in prayer is usually, “Love them Lord”, but I learned last week that you already love us as much as you possibly can. I want to change my ways of praying, but I’m not exactly sure how. I want to be a better prayer warrior and I pray you’d teach me how. Show me Lord, I’m asking.
I ask you’d comfort B as she’s in the hospital. Please comfort her family and let them know your arms are wrapped around them tightly with love. Give them a miracle Lord. Prepare their hearts for what is to come. I also lift up D. Heal him Lord. Show him you are love. We cannot experience love without you, because YOU ARE LOVE! Thank you for providing the friends and family you have put in my life; I am so blessed to be going through this life with them.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Come And Fill Me Up!

I’m inviting God to fill every void in me with the living water that is Christ Jesus.
God fill my compulsiveness with you.
God fill my hunger with you.
God fill my “I’m missing out” feeling with you.
God fill my worry and doubt with you.
God fill my desire for anything but you, with you.
God fill my rejected spirit with you.
God fill my “I’m not good enough” mental state with you.
God take my un-motivated heart and trade it for one full of you.
God inspire my soul.
God encourage me so I can encourage others.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Brant Thieren

The gentleman I was praying for did end up passing away last week. I'm glad he was a part of my Stoneway experience and I am still praying for the comfort of his family (4 children) and friends. I've posted the link to his obituary incase you would care to check it out.

Breaking Free Week 7

I’m going through the Beth Moore bible study of Breaking Free. This week I’m learning about liberty, doing our father’s will and obedience. One thing that really stuck out to me yesterday was that “we are free when, and only when, He is in control”. Gosh, sure makes sense I guess, but what a commitment! The other thing she said was, “Our liberation is expressed as a reality only in the places of our lives where the free spirit of God is released.” In this week 7 she talks about when we receive Christ and how he actually “takes up residence inside us”. Isn’t that CRAZY to think about?!?!?. And I wonder how in the world I can still manage to disobey! It’s neat to know that He lives in me and it also is a constant reminder for me to try my best to make the right decision. “But my salvation will last forever, my righteousness will never fail” Isaiah 51:6

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Stoneway 30 Year Open House

Today at work we had our 30 year open house. It was pretty crazy from 8am until 3pm. Reps from every company attended as well as tons of customers. We had Red Lion cater chicken, ribs, potatoes au gratin, homemade pasta and coleslaw…ooh so good! I had fun teasing all the reps and fellow Stoneway employees from other stores. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time! All in all a great day!
Lord I pray for jr. high tonight. Give me energy and motivation and let me be understanding yet stern. Let me love all the jr. highers and let me make at least one good connection tonight. Thank you for how you’ve healed Brant thus far and I pray you’d continue to comfort their family and heal Brant. Thank you Lord. Also, can you freeze time so I have time to finish my bible study homework? Thanks, amen.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Shopping with Charlene.

Shopping with Charlene is one of my all-time most favorite experiences ever. Charlene went to school with my parents at NW Christian and has been my mom’s good friend all my growing up years. With seven boys and no daughters, she adopted me as her only daughter! What makes her such a good shopping buddy, anyway?
*She always says, “well, try it on, you never know!” even if it’s close to the ugliest thing in the store.
*She says, “Oh, I love how you can put that outfit together in your mind”.
*She always tells me if it’s a major NO!
*She helps me if I can’t get the attire on all the way. (Like last night trying on slimmers…oh sheish! Not sure if anyone else would have done that.)
*There is NEVER enough time for all the shopping we want to do. The stores close way too early! Go-go-go is a great characteristic!
*In and out and on with life. If there’s nothing there…don’t bother.
Just a few wonderful qualities about Charlene! Thanks for the amazing shopping experience last night Charlene! Here’s a picture of my $4 top from Ross. Love-it!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday August 2nd, 2010

I haven’t had much time to think to myself today. Mondays are usually just “trying to making it through the day” kind of days. I forgot my bible study at home so I couldn’t do that on my lunch break. Monday-Thursday I usually take my bible study to a nearby Starbucks for some quiet time with God. I feel like I’m already behind…hopefully tomorrow! And tonight…oh I’m so excited…I get to go out with my good friend for a belated birthday celebration! Dinner at Azteca and shopping ‘til the stores close! One hour and twenty minutes away! Whoo-hoo!
Lord, thank you for the bonding moments of life as well as the shoe-shopping ones! Sometimes shopping can be an idol –with the adrenaline rush and all- and I pray now that if it is one for me you’d convict me and bring it to my attention. You are all I need Lord, and I acknowledge that now. I continue to lift up Brant to you Lord. Please heal his body. The workplace isn’t the same and we all miss his smiling face. I pray you comfort those who love him and continue to love on them. Send your Holy Spirit to be with them and be near during this time of need. Amen