Monday, January 25, 2010

Check, Check

So...I can finally (after about 6 years) check something off my bucket list! I've been wanting to learn how to solder jewelry ever since I worked at Pickle Papers. A couple weekends ago, I finally sat down and soldered my heart out! My parents got me a soldering kit (dvd included) for Christmas. The dvd was so helpful. All the little tricks and dos and don'ts are so great to know ahead of time. I started a shop on, but don't have anything up yet. Here's the address for future reference. I'm hoping to get some things up tonight as I will actually be home for once with nothing to do!

My heart is happy and content with this new trade skill I've learned! I hope I'll only get better with time. It's funny how the Lord lets me gather the materials over time, then when he provides me with the last piece of the puzzle, I've pretty much already got everything else. I'm a paper fanatic after working at PP, so I always collect scraps. If I'm at Good Will or yard sales or estate sales I ALWAYS go straight for old wrapping paper, office supplies, any paper product that's vintage looking. My family and friends were always like, "Why in the world are you buying that?" I'd simply reply, "I can put this to good use!" Or I'd go to a jewelry store and buy one earring from the clearance rack in the back corner of the, It's the perfect addition to a soldered pendant! One woman's trash really is another woman's treasure...yeah, mine! Lol. I remember when my cousin Melinda was remodeling her kitchen and they took out this 1950's island that was up against one wall. When her and her husband took it out, they found receipts, bills, paper decorations, flyers, and all sorts of junk mail from 1960-1990 and the first person that popped into her head...was ME! Well guess what I'm using in my awesome soldered pieces...yeah, you guessed it. A special story for each and every piece!

All in all, I'm super exited about my newfound talent and I thank the Lord for my strong intrest and passion for this kind of artwork.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

14 pounds and counting

Well folks, I started "eating right" January 1. I never seem to know at the time if it's going to be another attempt, or a success. Sometimes I feel it's like trying to quit smoking- the more times you try, the more times you are likely to succeed. I have definitely struggled with my weight for most of my life, and probably will continue to do so. I just need to remember how good it feels to try, then to succeed.
During all this physical therapy I didn't think I had a chance to loose an ounce. The therapist said no exercising until I build up the muscles in my back. My reply..."well then what the crap AM I suppose to do?"
Anyway, I just wanted to keep up on my blog this week and let you all know how my weight-loss challenge was going.

P.S. Biggest Looser is pretty encouraging during all of this!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Oh, My Achin' Back...

I know some of you have heard about my back giving me some trouble. I have an old trampoline injury...don't I sound like I'm 80 years old?...where I injured my lower back and scrunched a vertebrae pretty bad, pinched nerves and all that good stuff. Every couple of years, something little happens and leads to something big. About 2 weeks ago, I simply bent over to put a bowl away and was brought to my knees in pain. I could barely walk. It was HORRIBLE! I went to the doctor where they can't do anything for you accept prescribe muscle relaxers and pain meds. This time around, they weren't doing a thing. Some of my co-workers recommended I see a physical therapist. Today was my second visit. I cannot even tell you how much better I feel. They are teaching me how to build the muscles I need to function and use my back properly. Today he started rubbing out some scar tissue from my lower back. Boy does that hurt! I'm not sure how many more times I can really afford to go to physical therapy, but I can tell you I have been a different person today. I cannot believe what a difference constant pain makes in my day-to-day life. It's amazing how much better life is when you're not in constant pain. I think a lot of people (myself included) just learn to deal with the pain, or get used to it.

Whilst in all this pain, my grandpa Ron was brought to my mind. He passed away rather suddenly last year. In the later years of his life I tried my best to ignore all his snide remarks and fact, I think everyone did. He was a really hard man for me to be around because of the attitude I witnessed and somehow felt. My grandfather had an immobility. He had his hip fused at the age of 13 after a football accident. Having to adapt to life in a whole new way, he had to figure out how to sit, how to drive, pretty much, how to move and get around in general. I have no doubt he was in pain for most of his life, especially after breaking his hip in his 60's. The reason I believe God brought him to my attention is because I feel I related to him with all the pain I've experienced the last 2 weeks. I cannot imagine living my life with such pain and never seeing a glimpse of relief. I was awfully hard on my grandfather while he was alive and I know God is just trying to bring me understanding and help me to let go of that hurt I experience when I think of him. So...thank you Lord.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Catching Up...

I feel awfully dreadful for not writing in so long. The holiday season got ahold of me...and I've been covering for a coworker who is on vacation and working 9-10 hour days the last 2 weeks. I arrive in the dark, I leave in the's dreadful. I haven't been motivated to blog. I have a few days off and am ready to write!

I celebrated the new year at my cousin Melinda's house. It was fun to have all the 2nd generation of cousins there. I love all those kiddos and it's amazing to watch them all grow up so fast.

(Melinda Me and Melissa)

Melinda, Melissa (my 2 dear cousins)and I are getting our butts in gear and we started a new eating plan as of January 1. Melinda and I are doing a Jillian Michaels cleanse. Melissa would but she's pregnant, so she's just on board with the healthy eating plan. I've never done a cleanse before, and so's going well. We are doing our best to follow The Abs Diet book by David Zinczenko (editor-in-Chief of Men's Health). It's not really a "diet", more of a book on how to eat healthy and how to eat balanced. So far I'm on track and ready to roll.

For Christmas, mom and dad got me some fun craft things including soldering supplies, so as soon as I get some things made, I'll post them.

Just a quick fun nacho recipe I made the other day...very easy and SUPER good...well at least I think so!
I grilled up a package (probably one pound I'm guessing) of ground turkey
mixed in half an onion and the taco seasoning
I put whole wheat tortilla chips on my cast iron pan
sprinkled corn and black beans on the chips, then the taco mixture
then sprinkled (ha, hardly, more like COVERED) the chips with motzzarella
put in the oven until the cheese was melted